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1. Content Warning Notice

The free and freely accessible content of our website was created with the greatest possible care. Under no circumstances do we guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness, quality or suitability for a specific purpose. For this reason, no liability is assumed for material or immaterial damage of any kind. The use of this website content is at your own risk.

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The website contains links to other websites ("external links"). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective site operators. There were no legal violations when linking the external links. We have no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. It is not reasonable for us to constantly check the external links without concrete evidence of legal violations. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, the affected external links will be deleted immediately. As a precaution, we distance ourselves from all current and future content of external websites. This applies to all links and references set within our website, as well as to third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums and similar areas.

3. Copyright / ancillary copyright

Our content is protected by copyright and is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright law. All rights reserved. Utilization requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to the duplication, processing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. The content and rights of third parties are identified as such. Unauthorized copying of the website content or the entire website is not permitted and is a punishable offence. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.

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The rights to the photos published on this website are owned by the operator of this website. Downloading these recordings and any other use by third parties is not permitted.

Photos by ©stock.adobe.com , © Dr. Igor Talesnik

5. No Ads

The use dThe contact details of the imprint for commercial advertising are expressly not desired, unless the provider had previously given his written consent or a business relationship already exists. The provider and all persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use and disclosure of their data.

6. Trademark Protection

Trade names, registered trademarks, utility models and logos may be used on this website. Even if these are not marked as such, the relevant legal provisions apply with regard to their protection. If protected names and brands are mentioned on our website without any specific reference to the owner and his rights, this does not mean that they are free of property rights.

7. Privacy

See ourData protection

8. Special Terms of Use

Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the above numbers 1 to 4, this will be expressly pointed out at the appropriate point. In this case, the special conditions apply in each individual case.

9. Dispute Resolution Body

Information on out-of-court settlement of disputes: With regard to an obligation under §§ 36, 37 VSBG, we inform you that our practice is entitled to an out-of-court dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board i. s.d. VSBG is not obliged and does not participate in such a procedure. The Berlin Chamber of Dentists has set up an arbitration board for disputes arising from the professional relationship in accordance with the Berlin Chamber Act (BKG), which patients can call if they have any doubts about the correctness of dental services.

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